You would think this ranch housing is preferable to city living. But, today's generations prefer convenience and welfare to self-respect and honest work.
It is not just the curmudgeonly abyss that separates the immediate post WWII generation from Generation X and whatever contemporary term the current generation of newly arrived "adults" call themselves. It is a fact that today's young to middle age adults are best defined by the ethos of "I want it all and I want it now." Never mind working for it.
The multi generational brats raised on technology, victim hood, diversity, empowerment, self-esteem, psychotropic drugs for urban angst, and sitcoms believe that everything is owed to them. It began with the counter-culture adherents of the 1960s and has proceeded apace since then. Those of us that grew up when "sticks and stones..." was part of learning to navigate life's often unfair waters and learning early that the respect of others had to be earned and was not a right are now expected to make it possible for the "me" generations to have in their 20s what most of us had to work for until our 50s. Self-esteem has replaced self-respect.
Here in west-central New Mexico trying to get someone to actually work is nigh impossible. This place is like Appalachia West. There is a high minority population comprised mostly of Hispanics and Aboriginal Americans and they appear to be overrepresented in those that are on welfare. Lots of white trash too, so don't get me wrong.
You can't hardly give a job away in this area. We provide a beautiful three bedroom, furnished home and pay higher than normal wages for ranch maintenance work. Back in the 1960s and ' 70s there were folks standing in line for a chance to live in beautiful country where neighbors are 2-5 miles away and you cannot even see a light at night as you look westward over the valleys and mountain ranges. Now, all that seem to apply are drunks, drug addicts, thieves, liars and charlatans. Nobody can work to standard because they don't know what standards are. Those that try to work in this remote area collectively seem to have never been held accountable and are resentful as children when accountability is demanded. It is a mess. None seem to understand that you have to work when you must and play when you can.
Lots of folks think they want to live way out here in this rough and rugged land, but few are able to sustain it. In my experience, if you were not born to this life and are accustomed to urban conveniences, you won't last. Research on "back to nature" moves, indicate that most last less than two years. Our experience with employees has certainly been consistent with those findings.
I have also found that the better you treat employees, the worse their performance becomes. I always swear to start treating them like shovel handles but my nature rebels against treating people that way. The lack of pride that seems endemic in the labor force reflects a lack of pride even in themselves. Self-respect is something no one can give to someone else. It is one of those things that is up to the individual and it comes down to doing the right thing. If that has to be explained to them, they are just not going to get it.
Far Rider
See to your weapons and stand to your horses
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